- City officials in Oakland are set to consider a new homeless encampment policy that would address where people can and cannot set up encampments.The city’s Life Enrichment Committee, led by District 6 Councilman Loren Taylor, voted Monday to move the proposal to the city council for further...
The official website of the City of Oakland. Find out about meetings, request City services through OAK 311, or contact the Mayor and City Council.
Oakland City Council member calls for city to become abortion access sanctuary. OAKLAND, Calif. - An Oakland City Council member is calling for the city to declare itself a sanctuary for women seeking abortion access. "We are signaling to the rest of the women – to all of the women out ...
The demand to use the rail lines totransport coalthrough Oakland’s Emeryville and West Oakland to the revitalized Port could be placed on the back burner of future city planners and cargo terminal directors in decisive fashion if levels of particulate matter to which residents are exposed is fou...
In 2016, the city council renamed part of the park Bobby Hutton Grove. The park was home to Panther rallies and gatherings. Lil' Bobby Hutton Day continues to be held annually in April to celebrate his life and ultimate sacrifice. 4. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church (now St. Andrew’s...
The City of Oakland Charter gives the Board of Port Commissioners exclusive control and management of the Port of Oakland. Our Board consists of seven members nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council for four-year terms. Members must live in Oakland during their term and at le...
On July 7, 2009 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 12953 C.M.S., amending OaklandMunicipal Code Section 10.48.010 "Schedule of Parking Fines" to increase certain parking fines. On October 11, 2009 Governor Schwarzenegger signed A.B. 144 (Ma) into law which amendsthe California Vehicle...
City Council of Oakland, California has voted unanimously to decriminalize possession of use of plants, cacti, and mushrooms containing hallucinogen psilocybin. This includes peyote and what is most commonly known as the magic mushrooms. The vote happened on June 4th, about a month after Denver,...
The Alameda County Board of Supervisors gave their expected stamp of approval on March 19. The Oakland City Council did the same Thursday. Both votes were unanimous, a predictable turn considering the Coliseum Authority was acting essentially on behalf of those governing bodies, with representatives ...
code.Rather,theCityCounciladoptedtheSCAsin2008andgavethePlanningDirectorthe authoritytoupdatethemasneeded. WhatisSCA-94? SCA-94(AirQuality)isattachedtoanyprojectatanaddresswhichexceedsBAAQMD’s screeningcriteria.TheplannerprocessinganapplicationcanuseBAAQMD’sGoogleEarth applicationplusthescreeningtablesprovidedbythe...