An oak is a large tree and the acorn is its fruit. See also:acorn,great,grow,little,oak,tall Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017 oak(s) (oks) mod.OK; satisfactory; worthy. (Prisons.)That dude’s oaks. See also:oak ...
6. The sound of a woodpecker going to town on some tree deep in the woods. It’s a mystery to me why I love to hear that, but I do, and I got to experience that on a hike last October. I was plowing along shuffling my feet through the leaves as I mentioned above, and I hea...
(often painfully, sometimes embarrassingly so), and the influence of worldly things that filled my heart were ripped out, and God made fertile soil for which he could begin to plant.“Everything you do flows from it.”I needed a heart transplant, and God’s been in surgery doing that ...
6. The sound of a woodpecker going to town on some tree deep in the woods. It’s a mystery to me why I love to hear that, but I do, and I got to experience that on a hike last October. I was plowing along shuffling my feet through the leaves as I mentioned above, and I hea...
(often painfully, sometimes embarrassingly so), and the influence of worldly things that filled my heart were ripped out, and God made fertile soil for which he could begin to plant.“Everything you do flows from it.”I needed a heart transplant, and God’s been in surgery doing that ...