John Haffey, Ethel McDonald, and all seven members of the Oak Ridge City Council (Jerry Kuhaida, Tim Stallings, Will Minor, Ed Nephew, Bob Spore, Pat Rush, and mayor Roy F. Pruett). A full-size mock up of the bell made by Keiko Murikami bears the following inscription by Dr. ...
38.Weaver, B., Kappelmann, R.TALSPEAK: A New Methods of Separating Americium and Curium from the Lanthanides by Extraction from an Aqueous Solution of an Aminopolyacetic Acid Complex with a Monoacidic Organophosphate or Phosphonate. ORNL-3559; Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Oak Ridge, Tennessee...
Oakridge Mayor, Council Facing Recall Attempt
Oakridge Residents Descend on Council to Demand Answers
In Memoriam: Aleta Ledendecker Oak Ridge (Tenn.) City Council Jan. 11,2016Ledendecker, Aleta
ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Presentation to the Major Materials Facilities Committee of the National Research CouncilHFIR ReactorResearch ReactorsPlanningFor an improved high-flux reactor for purposes of neutron scattering, isotope production, and materials irradiation, ORNL is beginning an effort...
Oak Ridge City Council Approves Short-Term Lease for Senior CenterOAK RIDGE -- This issue has been kicked another two years downthe road.Oak Ridge City Council...Fowler, Bob
County Certifies Oakridge City Council Recall Petitions
Oakridge Council Races Tense Up