OAK FOREST RECOVERY RE-DESIGNING RECOVERY FOR A NEW GENERATION Contact Us The Oak Forest universe A blend of robust recovery, community and top-tier clinical services. Watch our Client Journey video to learn more. PHASE 1 Compound Our Compound is a highly structured 90 day experience featuring ...
Our study emphasizes the importance of monitoring postfire restoration effects on forest recovery to guide restoration planning and improve forest management in burned areas. This becomes even more relevant under increased wildfire severity predicted for the Mediterranean region interacting with other climate...
The forest inventory data that support the findings of this study are available from the Northwest German Forest Research Institute, but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however a...
The ORNL and UMaine research team will work with the forest products industry to produce new bio-based materials that will be conducive to 3D printing a variety of products. Research of developing coal, oil into low-cost carbon fiber advances Western Research Institute and academic and industr...
Williams K, Field CB, Mooney HA (1989) Relationships among leaf construction cost, leaf longevity, and light environment in rain-forest plants of the genus Piper. Am Nat 133:198–211 Article Google Scholar Witkowski ETF, Lamont BB (1991) Leaf specific mass confounds leaf density and thickne...
(Three Rivers - TRPN) Tongass Timber Trust - Alaska Forest Association (Three Rivers - TRPN) Total Managed Care - RISICO (Three Rivers - TRPN) Tour Med (Three Rivers - TRPN) TPA of Georgia (Three Rivers - TRPN) TriStar Benefit Administrators (Three Rivers - TRPN) Tristar Group (Three ...
(2014) deer estimates were calculated within forest habitats, whereas in our study we estimated deer density in open meadows which is a preferred habitat of deer (Collins and Urness, 1983), thus we would expect deer densities to be higher within these habitats. We acknowledge that these values...
Understanding post-fire forest recovery is pivotal to the study of forest dynamics and global carbon cycle. Field-based studies indicated a convex response of forest recovery rate to burn severity at the individual tree level, related with fire-induced tree mortality; however, these findings were ...
which is what has happened with Forest Labs over the past three quarters. Forest Labs appointed a new CEO, who quickly introduced a substantial cost-cutting program and a more shareholder-friendly capital allocation strategy. These measures helped Forest Labs enjoy a 60% increase in stock price ...
CDF-FRAP (California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection-Fire and Resource Assessment Program) (2003) The changing California forest and range 2003 Assessment. http://frap.cdf.ca.gov/assessment2003/. Accessed Feb 2012 CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game) (2002) Guide to hunting...