Oak Creek Elementary School is a public school located in Lewis Center, OH, which is in a large suburb setting. The student population of Oak Creek Elementary School is 691 and the school serves PK-5. At Oak Creek Elementary School, 82% of students scored at or above the proficient level...
Oak Creek Elementary School 1256 Westwood Dr, Lewis Center, OH 43035 (1 mile) Heritage Elementary School 679 Lewis Center Rd, Lewis Center, OH 43035 (2 miles) Olentangy Meadows Elementary School 8950 Emerald Hill Drive, Lewis, OH 43035 (2 miles) Freedom Trail Elementary 6743 Bale Kenyon Rd...
Oak Creek Elementary School is a top rated, public school located in LAKE OSWEGO, OR. It has 445 students in grades K-5 with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1. According to state test scores, 68% of students are at least proficient in math and 70% in reading. Compare Oak Creek El...
1,029 8469 South Ashbury LANE UNIT 104, Oak Creek, WI 0.31 Condo $255,000 07/12/24 2 2 1,225Assigned Schools These are the assigned schools for 3646 East Barbara CT UNIT 3. Carollton Elementary School PK-5 Public 375 StudentsOak Creek-Franklin Joint School District 5/10 GreatSchools Ra...
Glenwood Elementary School PK-5 Public 412 StudentsEnid School District 6/10 GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating Average Very supportive and high academic standards in my experience. Other Review 6mo ago 4 Reviews Check out schools near 4516 Oakcrest Ave.See the mapGreatSchools ratings are based on...
Oak Creek Elementary School 房產網為您提供 【11條】真實 Oak Creek Elementary School 房源, 可看房價、 圖片等信息、 是您在美國Oak Creek Elementary School 買房購房的首選網站。
Public Elementary - Grades PK to 5 6145 San Felipe St, Houston, TX 77057 - Houston Independent School District TANGLEWOOD MIDDLE (0.59 mi) Public Middle School - Grades 6 to 8 5215 San Felipe, Houston, TX 77056 - Houston Independent School District WISDOM H S (2.56 mi) Public Hi...
Overview of Oak Creek Elementary School Oak Creek Elementary School is a public school located in Cornville, AZ, which is in a distant rural setting. The student population of Oak Creek Elementary School is 235 and the school serves K-8. At Oak Creek Elementary School, 22% of students score...
At Oak Hill Elementary School, 63% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 54% scored at or above that level for reading.Compared with the district, the school did better in math and worse in reading, according to this metric. In Tri-Creek School Corporation, ...
Stony Creek Elementary School K-6 Public 623 StudentsAlsip-Hazlgrn-Oaklwn School District 126 5/10 GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating Average My daughter is in the first grade. The school is technologically advanced and I find the curriculum to be strong. Teaching staff I have encountered are ...