OpenAirInterface(OAI)是一个由欧洲Eurecom研究所发起的开源项目,旨在开发一种开放的、兼容多无线通信标准的实验平台,聚焦于4G和5G通信。包括5G RAN 和 5G Core。
OpenAirInterface5G with AntSDR Support: This is a forked version of the [OpenAirInterface5G]( project with added support for the AntSDR. The project aims to provide Docker files for building the gNB - mfki
修改openairinterface5g/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper文件 # 注释掉以下两行$SUDOrm -rf /tmp/simde git clone /tmp/simde# 在终端中运行克隆指令直到成功git clone /tmp/simde 问题:在...
oai enb 5g ran free5gc 5g-core Updated Jan 25, 2023 C zghcpt / openair-mme Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests MME oai lte epc mme Updated Nov 18, 2020 C Created by Open Archives Initiative Released 2001 6 followers Wikipe...
Installing, Configuring, and Running the CN System This section explains the deployment of the OAI 5G CN system on Ubuntu 20.04 with a generic kernel. The deployment is possible either using docker-compose or Helm Chart. We recommend using docker-compose. The 5G CN deployment is possible in ...
适用于5G/6G无线研究的OAI参考架构 用户可浏览该手册,详细了解用于5G/6G无线研究的OAI参考架构,包括设计中包含的硬件规范。该手册还包含应用指南链接,该指南介绍了如何使用OAI软件堆栈在USRP无线设备上实现5G NR独立(SA)系统。
cdopenair-cn;sourceoaienv;cdscripts ./build_hss ./build_mme ./build_spgw 以上一般都可以顺利安装完毕,没有报错 回到顶部 在18.04下载并编译eNB gitclone git checkout edb74831da ...
openairinterface5g ├── charts ├── ci-scripts : Meta-scripts used by the OSA CI process. Contains also configuration files used day-to-day by CI. ├── CMakeLists.txt : Top-level CMakeLists.txt for building ├── cmake_targets : Build utilities to compile (simulation, emulation ...
OpenAirInterface 5G Core Network project A C library to encode/decode NGAP message defined by 3gpp TS 38413 Description This is a static library for coding/decoding NGAP protocol. It is based on the asn1c code generator and official 3gpp specs, without modification on the asn descriptions. ...
1.2 来自github的概述 OAI是一个开源的硬件和软件无线技术平台(模拟、仿真和实时),用于部署具有高度真实感的模拟无线蜂窝网络。 1.3 来自我的解读 OpenAirInterface不仅仅包括无线空口, 还包括整个无线接入网RAN,也包括核心网Core。 OpenAirInterface不仅仅包括4G LTE, 还包括5G,也包括未来的6G ...