聆听夏威夷圣歌 圣歌以东端的隐秘山谷 (Awawamalu),也就是三底海滩开始吟唱,歌中讲述了帕帕 (Papa) 和卢阿 (Lua) 之子 — 欧胡 (Oahu) 的事迹。“哈罗娜”风洞的名字意为观察或保持警惕,这是学习的好习惯。哈罗娜的浪花代表了要在哈莱亚卡拉 (Halauaola) 分享的知识:玛伊利库卡西 (Mailikukahi) 是卡库西赫...
Oahu has excellent weather year-round; in fact, many people believe it has the best weather of all the islands. Maybe that's why almost half of all visitors to the state of Hawaii pick Oahu. Or perhaps it's because Oahu is the most scenic of all the islands, or... well, that list...
When we get breaks in the winter weather, Island Divers is perfectly positioned minutes away from the doorstep to the long reef wall surrounding Hanauma Bay, which spans from the tip of Portlock Point (sometimes known as “China Walls”) all the way to Lanai Lookout. With Spitting Cave, Se...
We can’t overstate how important it is to pay attention to the signs on the beach about changing weather conditions and strong currents. Yes, shark sightings do exist. But more than feared, sharks are of important significance in Hawaiian culture, as they are believed to be guardians and fa...
We can’t overstate how important it is to pay attention to the signs on the beach about changing weather conditions and strong currents. Yes, shark sightings do exist. But more than feared, sharks are of important significance in Hawaiian culture, as they are believed to be guardians and fa...
The Nuuanu Pali Lookout is one of the most scenic spots on Oahu and offers great views of the windward coast including Kailua and Kaneoha Bay.
24 hour expert Hawaii Water Damage Restoration for both residential and commercial properties on Oahu and outer island commercial restoration
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What is the weather like in Hawaii? Which is the best Hawaiian island to visit? Like what you see? Book your trip today! VIEW ALL TOURS Have a Question? Contact Us! FirstLast Enter EmailConfirm Email Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away. ...
I had the pleasure of growing up on this amazing island. Warm weather, lush terrain,pristine Oahu beaches, and aqua blue waters were my surroundings. As a local, you learn over time and through the process of discovery, where the best spots are on Oahu, the quickest ways to get around,...