The objectives of our study were (1) to compare mixed venous saturations calculated by a blood gas machine with those measureddirectly by a co-oximeter; and (2) to compare the sensitivities and specificities of[(V)\dot]\dot Vo2s derived from these values.Methods. Charts were retrospectively...
Comparison between Calculated O2 Saturation Values and Those Determined Directly In Vitro (Blood Gas Analyzer vs. Oxymeter)Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical...
One measurement ofCBF (radiolabeled microspheres), arterial and venous blood gases, and O2 contents were made during a control period. The animals were then subjected to a gradual asphyxial insult by altering inspired gas concentrations and ven- tilator rate (Fig. I). Pa02 was lowered to 15-...
(5-HT), total protein, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and free tryptophan (free TRP) were determined in venous blood and lactate concentration [LA ], partial pressure of oxygen ( P O 2 ), oxygen saturation ( S O 2 ), partial pressure of carbon dioxide and pH in capillary blood. ...
After institutional approval had been obtained, between four and seven sets of arterial and mixed venous blood gas measurements and cardiac output estimations were obtained from each patient. The following measurements were recorded: PaO2, PaCO2, arterial haemoglobin saturation (SaO2), mixed venous ...
Institutional Login Access via Shibboleth and OpenAthens Access via username and password Digital Version Pay-Per-View Access $39.00 BUY THIS Chapter Print Version Gas Exchange Function of Normal and Diseased Lungs $233.00 BUY THIS Chapter 1 Karger Article Bundle Token $150 Buy Token Related...
requiring an arterial and venous blood draw, would allow to define the ratioPA−PaPA−Pv¯(equation A.2). Conversely, a non-invasive approach would allow to estimateDO2/βQ˙that highlights the ratio between O2diffusion capacity to O2transport capacity; further, this approach allows to prov...
H^+ generated from CO_2 at the tissue level is a. the major source of hydrogen ion in the body b. normally buffered in transit between the tissues and the lungs by hemoglobin c. responsible for the pH of venous blood bei...
(1990). Blood-gas transfer of O2 and CO2 in the lungs: new mod- els, measurements and conclusions. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 277, 587-592. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4684-8181-5_66Mochizuki M. (1990). Blood-gas transfer of O2 and CO2 in the lungs: new models, measurements and conclusions ...
The heart rate, arterial blood pressure, arterial and brain venous pH, PCO2, PO2, O2 saturation, and Hb values were measured immediately before the microsphere injection. Blood pH, PCO2, and PO2 were measured with a blood gas analyzer (model ABL50; Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark), and ...