一般有三种:Pay as you go,SIM Only Mobile Phone Plans和Contract Mobile Phone Plans:...
o2 pay as you go O2 is one of the largest telecom company in the United Kingdom UK and also sponsors or O2 Arena. Main services of O2 are telecommunications and O2 broadband and O2 pay & go or pay and go. Also O2 provide cellular services on 2G , 3G and in the last quarter of 2...
1. 其实这个问题你自己回答了! o2 要求地址等资料的是包月服务,就是monthly。2. pay as you go 跟 pay and go 是一样的! 如果你是用来给中国带电话,我建议你去买那个mobile world的sim卡,o2以前的长途优惠早就没有了。现在最实惠的是 Mobile world, 打中国是4p 一分钟。不过要注意的是...
Pay as you go是说你的机子买回来可用所有公司的sim卡,而在这个里面的sim卡也不会被锁定。一般针对使用电话不是太频繁的人,充多少用多少。这种也有包月的,就是买个一定价位的pack,然后里面有多少分钟数,多少短信,多少流量,然后有效期是30天这样。
O2 is one of the UK’s largestPay As You Go mobile networks. They currently offer two types of Pay As You Go plan: Big Bundles:O2’s Big Bundles start from8GB data for £10 per month. You’ll be able totop-up your SIM cardmanually on Big Bundles (e.g. in store, by phone ...
我怎么觉得cmlink好一点呢,身边也有很多朋友说Giffgaff 好的什么的,听得多的还是说它便宜吧,可我cmlink...
Once you have a PAC Code from your old mobile network,order your new Pay As You Go SIM cardfrom O2’s website. When your new SIM card arrives, give the PAC Code to O2 by submitting it throughthis online form. Your phone number transfer will normally take place on the next working da...
3. Vodafone拥有最高的3G数据量,其最高套餐提供1024mb的数据,但Vodafone是三家运营商中唯一不提供无限WiFi服务的。4. 这三家运营商的WiFi服务均使用BT OpenzoneWiFi。就我个人使用经验来看,伦敦市区的BTWiFi覆盖率相当高。5. 目前只有Orange公布了Pay as you go的iPhone 4价格。若未能在苹果店预购...
o2的好,首先orange的话费高,o2的pay as you go可以帮你解锁,不用破解回国还可以用,还有vodafone和orange需要你的银行卡号码,需要绑定,而且需要护照号,很麻烦的,如果不想暴露太多的个人信息就选o2,不过vodafone的流量套餐还不错.
The default tariff on a SIM on O2 Pay and Go is called 'Favourite Places' but you can pick from any of the others too... http://www.o2.co.uk/mobilestariffs/t...o/paygotariffs You can change tariffs once per month so you could go from the 500 free minutes from home tariff to ...