correction genetic diversity and fine sca1e spatia1 genetic structure of unmanaged o1d growth versus managed second growth popu1ations of scots pine pinus sy1vestris 1 in 1ithuaniaLITHUANIAGENETIC variationSCOTS pinedoi:10.1007/s10342-023-01574-9DariusDanusevicius · OmP.Rajora· DariusKavaliausk...
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YieldQuantum ChemistryDissociationPhotochemical reactionsPhotolysisA photochemical decomposition study of NO2 (22B2) from specified vibronic states is reported. Below 2440 A, the O(1D) atom quantum yield is 0.5 + or - 0.1, and the asymmetric stretch vibration (NU3) is considered important in the ...
Below 2440 A, the O(1D) atom quantum yield is 0.5 + or - 0.1, and the asymmetric stretch vibration (nu3') is considered important in the O(1D) formation. (Author)Uselman, W. MCalifornia Univ Irvine Dept of ChemistryLee, E. K. C...