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计量表的意思 fear-o-meter 恐惧计量表
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酷狗音乐为您提供由The Gourds演唱的高清音质无损Decline-O-Metermp3在线听,听Decline-O-Meter,只来酷狗音乐!
o-meter是什么意思?计量表的意思 fear-o-meter 恐惧计量表
The Stink-O-Meter (referred to as the stink robot in the credits) is a nose-shaped robot created by Sandy which appears in the Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years episode "Night of the Living Stench." The Stink-O-Meter is a robot which looks like a nose
Excite-O-Meter is an application that allows to incorporate physiological data into Extended Reality (XR) applications. This application is used as a data communication bridge between Bluetooth LE devices and game engines for XR solutions. Allowing to
Life Sucks... Or Does It? Life is confusing. Many things in life seem to suck, but it's often hard to tell. Wouldn't it be nice if you could find out for sure if something really sucked or not? You need theSuck-O-Meter!
CNS 11483-1986的发布历史信息,本标准规定测定卫生用薄纸之柔软度或触感性之试验法,但不适用于绉纹或压花之纸类。卫生用薄纸柔软度试验法–Handle–O–Meter法, Method of Test for Softness of Sanitary Tissue - Handle - O - meter Me