L. De Brouckere, J. Casimir, "Preparation d'hydrosols d'or homeodisperses tres stables", Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges 57 (1948) 517 :De Brouckere, L., & Casimir, J. Preparation d'hydrosols d'or homeodisperses tres stables. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. 57(10-12), 517-524 (...
zko súvisí potreba prehodnotenia parametrov loísk z pohadu poiadaviek nových metód na kvalitatívne a kvantitatívne parametre uhlia ako aj bansko-technické podmienky pre ich úspešné pouívanie v ...
estudios de licenciatura, no han logrado un claro significado de la magnitud fuerza electromotriz y, en consecuencia, presentan confusiones entre ésta y la diferencia de potencial en circuitos eléctricos y en fenómenos sencillos de inducción electromagnética,...
Hinder, M. & Stoll, M., Odeur et constitution IX. Préparation de substances bicyclohomofarnésiques stéréoisomères. Helv. Chim. Acta , 36 (1953) 1995.M. Hinder and M. Stoll, Helv. Chim. Acta., 36, 1995, 1953.M. Hinder and M. Stoll, Helv. Chim. Acta, 36, 1995, 1953....
the purpose of this study is to integrate, in a numerical index, the sedimentary parameters derived from size grain, mineralogy, chemical, biological and toxicological analysis, as well as ni and v contents, so as to evaluate the environmental quality of the p谩nuco river, mexico. in order ...
To estimate the average price of oral hypoglycemic agents provided by the Brazilian health system (SUS) and to compare them to other public health systems.Cross-sectional study about drug prices purchased by Belo Horizonte (municipal level), Minas Gerais (state level) and federal institutions in ...
The configuration assigned to these substances and their derivatives is based on rotatory dispersion, nuclear magnetic resonance and circular dichroism considerations.Crabbé, PierreResearch Laboratories Syntex, S.A. Apartado Postal 2679, México, D.F., México. Instituto De Quimica De La Universidad ...
New varices were seen in six legs. With respect to a staging of chronic venous insufficiency, it can be said that in 90% of cases a more favorable stage or complete healing is reached.doi:http://dx.doi.org/Joëlle MayrargueMichel Duchon D'EngenièresMarcel Miocque...