Realty Income宣布普通股股息增加1.5% 圣地亚哥,2025年2月19日 /PRNewswire/ -- Realty Income Corporation(Realty Income,纽交所:O),月度分红公司,今天宣布公司普通股将增加。 Realty Income02/19 13:00 摩根大通维持Realty Income(O.US)持有评级,下调目标价至64美元 摩根大通分析师Anthony Paolone维持$Realty Inco...
贝雅维持Realty Income(O.US)持有评级,下调目标价至59美元 贝雅分析师Wes Golladay维持$Realty Income(O.US)$持有评级,并将目标价从60美元下调至59美元。根据TipRanks数据显示,该分析师近一年总胜率为57.5%,总平均回报率为5.4%。提示: TipRanks为独立第三方,提供金融分析师的分析数据,并计算分析师推荐的平均回报...
And we are very optimistic about where this particular business could go for realty income going forward. We feel like we can be a solution that helps meet some of the demand and the capital needs to execute on what is a once-in-a-cycle type situation. And at the end of the day, we...
Get real-time updates on Realty Income Corporation Common Stock (O) stock quotes, trades, and more. Make informed investments with Nasdaq.
Realty Income, stock symbol O, is one of the most consistent dividend payers in the markets. Here's when and where to buy the dip. O Investing News, Analysis, and Tips Jan 30, 2023 4:00 PM EST Technical Analysis: Top Dividend Stocks To Buy, Part 2 Real Money's technical analyst thi...
Website: Ticker:O Company type:Public Revenues ($M):$4,079 Profits ($M):$872 Market value ($M):$46,587 Number of employees:418 A real estate investment trust. Market value as of March 28, 2024.
News Transcripts & Insights SEC Filings Press Releases Related Analysis O Stock Price 1D 5D 1M 6M YTD 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX Basic Advanced +9.58% Realty Income Corporation price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents Realty Income Corporation price and volume over 1Y ...
Realty Income Corporation is a top REIT pick with strong performance, high occupancy, and a 5% dividend yield. Click here to read why we are bullish on O stock.
(O.NYSE) 1970-01-01 08:00:00 (美东时间) 数据延迟15分钟 +加自选 分时 日K 周K 月K 分钟 昨收: 振幅:% 成交量: 换手率:% 成交额: 最高: 最低: 市净率: 流通市值:
Realty Income的最新讨论 江上02-25 19:40 $Realty Income(O)$ 2024年AFFO4.19。按照现价相当于7.31%的回报率。分红3.126,相当于5.45%的红利率。二月份开始分红提高到0.268,年化3.216,5.61%的回报率。2024年的新投资资产cash yield7.4%。2024年以58.33的均价发股18亿,AFFO/发股均价相当于7.18%。这个价格发股实...