Wes Anderson’s underrated 2004 film “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou” follows Steve Zissou (Bill Murray), an eccentric oceanographer, and his large crew on a revenge mission to kill a rare “jaguar shark” that murdered his partner. In the film, Brazilian singer Seu Jorge plays Pelé ...
Revenge's hunt for the all-powerful Orb brings the entire Guild to the front door of the Venture Compound, where they must face the combined might of Sgt. Hatred and Hank Venture. EP 6 Self-Medication Dr. Venture's therapy group, a collection of former Boy Adventurers (who have become ...
InThe Last of Usseason 1's ending, this plan to find a cure goes terribly awry when Joel realizes the Firefly doctors need to kill Ellie in order to procure a treatment. After slaughtering everyone who stands in his way, Joel rescues an unconscious Ellie and later lies to her about what ...