The aim of the peer-to-peer (P2P) decentralized gaming industry has shifted towards realistic gaming environment (GE) support for game players (GPs). Recent innovations in the metaverse have motivated the gaming industry to look beyond augmented reality and virtual reality engines, which improve th...
Thus, we proposed a scheme, Game-o-Meta, that integrates federated learning in the GE, with GP data being trained on local devices only. We envisioned the GE over a sixth-generation tactile internet service to address the bandwidth and latency issues and assure real-time haptic control. In ...
Moreover, it helps to create a more immersive and interactive experience for players in the meta environment. As per the reports by Statistica [6], a daily number of 54.154.1 million concurrent gamers play the metaverse game Robolox. The potential metaverse gaming market is expected to reach ...
北京时间6月2日凌晨1点,2023年度Meta Quest游戏发布会(Meta Quest Gaming Showcase)如约而至。与上届保持一致,Oculus工作室的负责人Ruth Bram主持了本次活动。在40分钟左右的时间里,共有十余部VR热门新游得到展示,下面就让我们简单了解一下这些作品的相关信息。 首先,Ruth Bram再度提及了Meta下一代VR头显Quest 3...