MACEDO, N. A., et al. Influencia da via de inoculacao sobre o estabelecimento e a evolucao da leptospirose em hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) experimentalmente infectados com Leptospira interrogans sorovar pomona. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, v.41, p.194. 2004...
counterimmunoelectrophoresis (cie) was applied on paired sera from 135 pacients with leptospirosis and on 69 sera from a control group. the sera from pacients were subdivided in 4 groups according to the results obtained by the microscopic agglutination
Diagnóstico de leptospirose canina: avalia??o de dois ensaios de PCR em compara??o com o teste de microaglutina??oINDEX TERMS:Canine leptospirosisPCRmicroagglutination testdiagnosisleptospirosisdogsbacteriosesCanine leptospirosis is definitely diagnosed by demonstrating seroconversion in paired serum ...
LeptospiroseAlpha-fœto-proteineAntigène HBsLeptospiral infectionsAlpha-foeto-proteinAustralia antigen (HBs)Summary A twenty-seven years old malian, living in France for three years, is admitted for a jaundice. The biologic test done on this weakness and feverish patient show signs of cyto...
ENSAYO INMUNORRADIOMETRICO PARA LA CUANTIFICACION DE ALBUMINA BOVINA FRACCION V EN LA VACUNA CUBANA ANTILEPTOSPIROSICA vaxSPIRAL. (Spanish).(English):In the present work is described a solid phase immunoradiometric assay for quantification of albumin bovine fraction V in anti-leptospirosical ...