The aim of this work is to design a computerized 3-D model of the human external ear, based on the finite elements method. The method consists to splitting a specific special area in a simple element net connected between themselves by nodes. The elements are associated to equations that ...
Brauer, H. (1981), The mathematical understanding of chemical engineering systems. Selected Papers of N. R. Amundson. Herausgegeben von R. Aris und A. Varmu. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford 1980. 1. Aufl., X, 829 S., 522 Abb., zahlr. Tab., geb., $ 100.00. Chemie Ingenieur Technik,...
B. del Rey, M. V. Martínez鈥怐íaz, J. Barberá and T. Torres, ‘Synthesis and thermotropic properties of hydroxy and siloxy axially substituted phthalocyanines’ Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2000; 4(5): 569–573doi:10.1002/jpp.366...
A candidate-gene approach to analyse the resistance of plants to phytopathogenic fungi is presented. The resistance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii) shows a gene-for-gene interaction (monogenic resistance), whereas resistance to white rot (Sclerotinia ...
The electrode showed a slope of 51-52 mV dec-1 within a linear pH range from 4.0 up to 12.0.doi:10.1590/S0100-40421998000200005Martelli, Patrícia BReis, Boaventura FZagatto, Elias A.GLima, José L.F.CLapa, Rui AQuímica Nova
Background To analyze the clinical and immunological characteristics of a series of 114 patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (PSS), and to evaluate the different diagnostic criteria and the association to lymphoproliferative disorders. Patients and method We included 114 patients (108 female and...
A duplex RT-PCR assay is reported for the simultaneous detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV), the causative agents of major diseases in poultry. The duplex RT-PCR assay optimized showed a detection limit of 10-3 (101 EID50/50m L for IBV and...
Keywords: Protein content; h ydrolysed protein; free amino acid; o-phthalaldeh yde - N -acetyl-L-cysteine reagent; spectrophotometry There is great interest in determining proteins in different fields. The assay of the protein content in a sample can be performed on the intact proteins or ...
Authored by Lucila Rosa Mejía LondoñoAuthored by Lucila Rosa Mejía LondooLucila Rosa Mejía Londoñ
Dissecting the genetic history of Sao Tome e Principe: a new window from Y-chromosome biallelic markers. Ann.Hum.Genet., 71 (Pt 1): 77-85.Trovoada, M.J., Tavares,, L., Gusmao L., Alves, C., Abade, A., Amorim, A., Prata, M. J. 2007. Dissecting the genetic history of Sao ...