Conclusions: a) The immediate result of vein grafts patency was dependent upon the surgical handling during vein harvesting and preparations, care during anastomosis and quality of coronary arteries. b) The late results in the 5th and 10th year were influenced by the spectrum of the ...
Revista Brasileira De OtorrinolaringologiaMiziara, I., Wilhelmsen, N. e Weber, R. (2008). O papel da imunofluorescencia direta na fisiopatologia e no diagnostico diferencial da estomatite aftoide recorrente. Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, 74(3), maio/junho, pp. 331-336....
Entendendo a classificao, a fisiopatologia e o diagnóstico radiológico das bronquiectasias - ScienceDirectBronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal persistent bronchial dilatation usualy associated with inflammation in the bronchial tree and lung parenchyma. The disease remains a common cause of ...
The disease remains a common cause of significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesia, and immunodeficiency states. Computed tomography is now the diagnostic modality of choice and may also contribute to clinical ...
Pereira A. Sindrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono: fisiopatologia. epidemiologia, consequencias. diagnostico e tratamento. Arq Med. 2007;21(5-6):159-73.Pereira A. Sindrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono: fisiopatologia, epidemiologia, consequencias, diagnostico e tratamento. Arq Med. 2007;21(5/...
Viabilidade miocárdica. Conceito, fisiopatologia, Métodos e valor diagnóstico.The purpose of this study is to describe the concept and physiopathology of myocardial viability to provide rational use of diagnostic methodologies and their value. Great relevance has been given to the diagnosis of ...
Nuevos conceptos en la FisiopatologIa de la Endometriosis: inmunologIa y endocrinologIa celularEndometriosis is a benign chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, typically within the pelvis. Since initial descriptions of the disease, ...
Acute spinal cord injury initiates a sequence of vascular, biochemical and inflammatory events that can take to disastrous and frequently irreversible consequences to the motor and sensorial function of the animal. Acute spinal cord trauma should be considered an emergency and fast and appropriate ...
incontinncia urinria em mulheres: breve reviso de fisiopatologia, avaliao e tratamento urinary incontinence in women: a brief review of this pathophysiology, evaluation and treatmentUrinary incontinence is a dysfunction that tremendously affects women's quality of life, involving social, emotional and...
HydrocephalusThe normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), described in 1964 by Salom贸n Hakim, is an insidious disease that affects mainly elderly people between 60 and 80 years and is manifested by the clinical triad of gait disturbances, dementia and urinary incontinence associated the radiological ...