the purpose of this study is to integrate, in a numerical index, the sedimentary parameters derived from size grain, mineralogy, chemical, biological and toxicological analysis, as well as ni and v contents, so as to evaluate the environmental quality of the p谩nuco river, mexico. in order ...
B. del Rey, M. V. Martínez鈥怐íaz, J. Barberá and T. Torres, ‘Synthesis and thermotropic properties of hydroxy and siloxy axially substituted phthalocyanines’ Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2000; 4(5): 569–573doi:10.1002/jpp.366...
Modelado de la geometria del conducto auditivo externo mediante el metodo de los elementos finitos. Acta Otorrinolaringologia Esp 2006; 57: 82-89.Vallejo LA, Delgado VM, Hidalgo A, Gil-Carcedo E, Gil-Carcedo LM, Mon- toya F. Modelado de la geometria del conducto auditivo externo ...
citizenshippublic spacepolitical freedomThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )María Teresa Muoz SánchezEpisteme
A growing body of evidence suggests that it is also associated with BPH and LUTS.These new concepts should be used to design novel treatments for BPH/LUTS.doi:10.1016/j.eursup.2010.04.003Cione, Alberto Luisa TeresaLeone, GabrielloTonni, Eduardo Pedro...
When the tumor is a sarcoma, surgery is the basis of treatment. Complementary radiation therapy may be necessary, particularly for high-grade tumors or if the surgical margin was insufficient. Systemic or locoregional chemotherapy can also be used for high-grade or non-resectable tumors.F. ...
in his masterpiece of 1884, die grundlagen der arithmetik [gl.] frege presents the context principle as a fundamental one in his investigation 脿 propos an accurate concept of number. thus, resting on it he offers a contextual definition of cardinal number; but after analyzing some objections ...
Morales Espinoza, Augustin (2005): "Reconfiguracion del sector agroalimenta- rio venezolano en el contexto de la globalizacion". Revista Venezolana de Economia y Ciencias Sociales, Vol. 11, nº 3, Caracas, sept-dic., pp. 63-85.Morales, Agustin (2005) "Reconfiguracion del sector agro...