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atildeo, yield, Cucumis melo, adubaçatildeo, fruit quality, fertigationThe effects of nitrogen, boron, molybdenum and zinc applied as fertigation, and cattle manure applied to the soil, were evaluated on the yield and quality of melon (Cucumis melo) in two types of soils of the Sub...
The paper deals with a particular quality management problems of the public sector. Organisations implement quality management by means of specific models and tools within the Total Quality Management concept. Common Assessment Framework represents one of these public sector models. The purpose of the ...
Maximize o crescimento ao mesmo tempo em que se defende contra violações de contas, scraping evasivo de conteúdo e apropriação indevida de marcas. Reduza o risco em suas interações comerciais digitais Monitore interações online e evite violações em toda a jornada ...
Guia da Construção最新版截图 # Guia da Construção最新版 A partir de outubro de 2013, as revistas Guia da Construção e Construção Mercado se apresentam em um só volume mensal sob o título desta última. Baixe o app da Construção Mercado ...
Revista Equitação 5620 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 Revista Equitação最新版截图 # Revista Equitação最新版 Revista Equitação. Mantenha-se sempre actualizado com a aplicação móvel da Revista Equitação. Leia a revista em formato digital...
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The sensible properties of objects, or their positions in space and time, depend from a given perspective. But if their causal properties had he same dependence, the subject herself, who is supposed to be a living being, would establish the causal conditions of her own survival. From this ...
the author presents us with a critical reading of herbert marcuse's eros and civilization, going through its many philosophical insertions and the manners in which it approaches and distances itself from the freudian discourse. he thus highlights the currentness of marcuse's interpretation of freud,...
Monteiro Lobato as a translatorreader developmentteacher educationWith the double viewpoints of anthropology and Jung's psychological theory of "the collected unconscious", theis paper intends to give a new expanation of The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. It is suggested that this novel belongs to ...