reduction of organic compoundselectrocatalysiselectrocatalytic hydrogenation (hec) may be compared to catalytic hydrogenation (hc). the difference between these methods is the hydrogen source: hc needs a hydrogen gas supply; hec needs a source of protons (solvent) to be reduced at a cathode ...
adsorptioniron oxidein this work, composites based on activated carbon/iron oxide (ac/fe) were prepared in two different proportions (ac/fe 5/1 and 1/1) and evaluated in the removal of the organic dye methylene blue (mb). physical-chemical properties of the composites were determined by x...
the viability of the organic compost utilization as a substrate for vegetable seedlings production, obtained from crotalaria juncea l. and napier grass (pennisetum purpureum schum.), was determined. the research was developed with lettuce (leaf vegetable), beetroot (root vegetable) and tomato (fruit...
Caracteriza??o cromatográfica de compostos organicos presentes nos resíduos sólidos provenientes de indústria de reciclagem de papel e sua aplica??o na produ??o de briquetes de carv?o vegetalrecycle paper sludgeagglutinantgc/msrecycling of paper in industrial scale has become an established ...
cloud-point extractionequilibrium partition coefficientin this work, the feasibility of employing micelle-mediated extraction for selective separation of homologous or isomeric organic compounds is demonstrated. firstly, the main parameters controlling extraction performances, such as surfactant concentration and ...
Estudo da intercala??o de compostos organicos em caulins na forma ácidakaolinintercalationdimethyl sulfoxideoxalic acidcitric acidthe feasibility of using major clays such as kaolin in the adsorption processes, can occur through chemical modification by intercalation in their structures phyllite. ...
A rea??o de metátese de olefinas: reorganiza??o e cicliza??o de compostos organicosolefin metathesisring-closing metathesiscross metathesisthe olefin metathesis reaction allows the exchange of complex alkyl units between two olefins, with the formation of a new olefinic link and a sub-product...
Funcionaliza??o de superfícies vítreas por plasma de SiCl4 para a reten??o de compostos organicoscold plasmafunctionalizationglass surfaceorganic compounds immobilizationin the present work flat surfaces, from commercial soda-lime-silicate glass slides, were treated in o2 and sicl4 cold plasma ...
the compost that presented minor po-tentiality to be used on the formulation of substrates was compost produced from organic fraction of msw due to its high values of ph and electrical conductivity, and low values of germination and growth indexes for lepidum sativum; composts analysed that ...
Degrada??o do polipropileno durante a extrus?o e a gera??o de compostos organicos voláteisCárie DentáriaDentinaDente DecíduoOdontopediatria###Base de dadosthe thermo-mechanical degradation of an unstabilized polypropylene copolymer during extrusion at different temperatures (from 180 to 240 °c)...