2007. Dissecting the genetic history of Sao Tome e Principe: a new window from Y-chromosome biallelic markers. Annals of Human Genetics 71: 77-85.Trovoada MJ, Tavares L, Gusmao L, Alves C, Abade A, Amorim A, Prata MJ (2007) Dissecting the genetic history of Sao Tome e Principe: a ...
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Brauer, H. (1981), The mathematical understanding of chemical engineering systems. Selected Papers of N. R. Amundson. Herausgegeben von R. Aris und A. Varmu. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford 1980. 1. Aufl., X, 829 S., 522 Abb., zahlr. Tab., geb., $ 100.00. Chemie Ingenieur Technik,...
Goncalves R,Spinola H,Brehm A.Y-chromosome lineages in Sao Tome e Principe islands: Evidence of European influence.American Journal of Human Biology. 2007Goncalves R,Spinola H,Brehm A.Y-chromosome lineages in Sao Tome e Principe islands: Evidence of European influence. American Journal of Human...
This VHF radar has a peak power of only 8 kW but uses long coded pulses and a high PRF with coherent integration to achieve good sensitivity. Two side-by-side square antenna arrays composed of 16 5-element Yagi antennas directed vertically are used for transmission and reception. This radar...
Bell RC, Drewes RC, Channing A, Gvoždik V, Kielgast J, Lotters S, Stuart BL, Zamudio KR (2015) Overseas dispersal of Hyperolius reed frogs from Central Africa to the oceanic islands of Sao Tome and Principe. Journal of Biogeography 42, 65-75. doi:10.1111/jbi.12412...
doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-1004(1999)13:5<414::AID-HUMU19>3.0.CO;2SusanaInstitutoSeixasInstitutoM.InstitutoJesusInstitutoTrovoadaInstitutoM.InstitutoTeresaInstitutoSantosInstitutoandInstitutoJorgeInstitutoWileyHuman MutationS. Seixas, M. Trovoada, M. Santos, J. Rocha, A novel alpha-1-antitrypsin P362H...
Furthermore, there is a possibility that the amount of sodium consumed by children was underestimated due to the way it was calculated. Several studies show that previous 24 h food recall questionnaires may not be an accurate sodium measurement tool, not only due to the difficulty in knowing ...
Trovoada MJ, Alves C, Gusma˜ o L, Abade A, Amorim A, Prata MJ. 2001. Evidence for population sub-structuring in Sa˜o Tome´ e Pr´incipe as inferred from Y-chromosome STR analysis. Ann Hum Genet 65:271-283.Trovoada MJ, Alves C, Gusmão L, Abade A, Amorim A and Prata...