Twenty biallelic Y chromosome markers were analyzed in Angolares, Forros and Tongas, three population groups from the African archipelago of Sao Tome e Principe. While most male lineages belonged to sub-Saharan haplogroups, the component of European origin added up 23.9% in the archipelago. This...
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CrithagraFringillidaegigantismmolecular phylogenyoceanic islandsSerinusdoi:10.1111/ibi.12466Melo, MartimStervander, MartinHansson, BengtJones, Peter JIbis
Gonc¸ alves, R., Spinola, H., Brehm, A., 2007. Y-chromosome lineages in Sao Tome e Principe islands: evidence of European influence. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 19, 422-428.Goncalves R , Sp inola H , B rehm A. Y2chromosome lineages in Sao Tome Principe islands: Evidence of european ...
Bell, R.C., Drewes, R.C., Channing, A., Gvozˇdik, V., Kielgast, J., Lotters, S., Stuart, B.L., Zamudio, K.R., 2015. Overseas dispersal of Hyperolius reed frogs from Central Africa to the oceanic islands of Sao Tome and Principe. J. Biogeogr. 42, 65-75....
doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-1004(1999)13:5<414::AID-HUMU19>3.0.CO;2SusanaInstitutoSeixasInstitutoM.InstitutoJesusInstitutoTrovoadaInstitutoM.InstitutoTeresaInstitutoSantosInstitutoandInstitutoJorgeInstitutoWileyHuman MutationS. Seixas, M. Trovoada, M. Santos, J. Rocha, A novel alpha-1-antitrypsin P362H...
While the number of children aged 13 to 16 was relatively small, the presence of children in this older age group may be attributed to factors such as grade repetition or the interruption and subsequent resumption of their education. These circumstances are not uncommon in the Cantagalo STP ...