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Deals with the helicopter culture in São Paulo, Brazil. Uses of the vehicle; Incident that led to its popularity; Top helicopter manufacturers in the country.PoseyCarlA.EBSCO_AspAir & Space Smithsonian
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Twenty biallelic Y chromosome markers were analyzed in Angolares, Forros and Tongas, three population groups from the African archipelago of Sao Tome e Principe. While most male lineages belonged to sub-Saharan haplogroups, the component of European origin added up 23.9% in the archipelago. This...
L. Hysell ( 2004 ), The Sao Luis 30 MHz coherent scatter ionospheric radar: System description and initial results , Radio Sci. , 39 , RS1014, doi: 10.1029/2003RS002914 .de Paula, E. R. and Hysell, D. L.: The Sao Luis 30 MHz coherent scatter ionospheric radar: System description ...
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# Kiss FM 102.1 São Paulo最新版 Kiss FM. Depois de um Rock, vem sempre outro Rock!Kiss FM, única rádio com programa??o genuína e 100% Rock, leva ao ar uma programa??o que mistura êxitos nacionais de internacionais do rock and roll de todos os tempos. Aliado a progr...
Aim: Neglecting oral health can negatively affect the quality of life of Alzheimer's patients. This work evaluates the oral health of Alzheimer's patients in São José dos Campos, Brazil. Methods: Brazilian versions of the Oral Health Risk Assessment and Index to dental management of patients...