Financial literacy is a concept associated with two specific dimensions: one linked to personal financial knowledge, generally referred to as financial education, and the other to the application of this knowledge, which translates into decisions that enable indiv...
Alfabetizao financeira dos estudantes do ensino médio de instituies públicasdoi:10.21680/2176-9036.2024v16n2ID34229FINANCIAL literacyHIGH school studentsPUBLIC institutionsSOCIOECONOMIC factorsDESCRIPTIVE statisticsObjective: This study aims to verify assess the level of ...
Nível de alfabetizao financeira pessoal de estudantes universitários brasileirosdoi:10.7769/gesec.v14i3.1752This study aims to verify the financial literacy of college students from a university in the South of Brazil, through the analysis of behavior in consumption attitude, knowled...
The main results, we can highlight that financial education through the proposition of possible Cyberproblems could be introduced in the Fundamental School as a way to make sense of calculations with decimal numbers, significantly increasing the possible meanings...