Agrarismo e industrialismo na Assembleia Constituinte de 1823: um debate sobre o futuro do Brasildoi:10.1590/2237-101X02305109This article examines the historical roots of what it considers one of the main debate on Brazil's identity within the framework of economic thought...
A Conquista do direito ao casamento LGBTI : da Assembleia Constituinte à Resoluo do CNJdoi:10.1590/2179-8966/2020/51870BRAZILSAME-sex marriageLGBTQ rightsCIVIL codeAPPELLATE courtsGENDERMARRIAGEThe 1988 Constitution determined that the common-law marriage would be...
--[endif] -- p class=MsoNormal style=text-align: justify;Um dos pontos mais debatidos na primeira Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (1890-1891) foi a discriminaccedil;atilde;o das rendas, que, para Ubaldino do Amaral, consistia no ldquo;noacute; vital do pacto constitucionalrdquo;. Na ...
O DEBATE SOBRE A LNGUA DO BRASIL NA ASSEMBLEIA NACIONAL CONSTITUINTE DE 1946doi:10.5007/1984-8412.2023.e90308In this study we have analyzed the debates surrounding naming the language of the Brazilian nation, in the context of the National Constituent Assembly of 194...