show high anti-HIV, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activities. [7-8] Betula hepatoprotection which may be due to membrane stabilizing effect on hepatic cells. [29] inhibitedhepatotoxicity in mice. [30] The hepatoprotective activity of the total alkaloidalB DuraiswamyMN Satishkumar...
the author presents us with a critical reading of herbert marcuse's eros and civilization, going through its many philosophical insertions and the manners in which it approaches and distances itself from the freudian discourse. he thus highlights the currentness of marcuse's interpretation of freud,...
It was identified that the union of the members lead to a greater bargaining power; the flow of information facilitates the solution of problems; and increased trust promotes the reduction of transaction costs between members.Alves, Juliano Nunes...
90C3090C90Due to strict regulatory rules in combination with complex nonlinear physics, major gas network operators in Germany and Europe face hard planning problems that call for optimization. In part 1 of thidoi:10.1525/aa.1974.76.2.02a00500...
ROCHA, M.G.; RESTLE, J.; FRIZZO, A. et al. Parametros produtivos de uma pastagem temperada submetida a alternativas de utilizacao. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, v.33, n.6, p.1386-1395, 2004.ROCHA, M. G.; MONTAGNER, D. B.; SANTOS, D. T.; FREITAS, F. K.; PILAU, A.;...
The symptomatic diagnosis was considerably altered by the results of the esophageal function tests: gastroesophageal reflux and motility disorders were found in all symptomatic diagnostic groups and a large number of patients in each group tested normal. The sensitivity and specificity of symptom-based ...
RAI Revista de Administração e InovaçãoLeal, E. A. & Albertin, L. A. (2015) Construindo uma escala multiitens para avaliar os fatores determinantes do uso de inovacao tecnologica na educacao a distancia. RAI - Revista de Administracao e Inovacao, 12 (2), 315-341....
This study aims to examine the flood propensity of the main watercourse of São Vicente drainage basin and, if relevant, to propose two methodologies to alleviate the impacts, i.e., detention basin sizing and riverbed roughness coefficient adjustment. Geomorphological data were obtained from the ...
Anaerobic fermentation is inherently intricate, involving the decomposition and transformation of various organic substrates (e.g., carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) found in raw materials through diverse pathways and at different rates, yielding a broad spectrum of intermediates and end products [43...