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que la gran diferencia entre uno y otro radica en que en el primero es suprema la ley general y abstracta, válida exclusivamente por razones de forma y no de contenido; en tanto que en el segundo, la ley, así considerada, retrocede frente a la Constitución en su carácter de norma ...
La angioplastia con stent recuperable como tratamiento del vasoespasmo secundario a la HSAa es un procedimiento seguro y eficaz que mejora el TCC y la estenosis del vaso después del tratamiento. Abstract Objective To determine the safety and efficacy of angioplasty with a retrievable stent in...
关键词:无机非金属材料;低温共烧陶瓷;AlN;硼硅酸盐玻璃 文献标识码:A 中图分类号:1M281;TQl71.71 low comred AlN/Si02-B203·ZnO·Bi203 temperatureglass ZHAo Nian-zi Hong-sheng,GAo ofNew ofNuclearandNew (DiVisionMate血ls,Institute Ene玛yTechnology’TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing102201,China) Abstract:The...
https://doi.org/10.3390/ ma16020476 Abstract: In this work, graphene oxide@Fe3O4 (GO@Fe3O4) two-dimensional magnetically oriented nanocomposites were prepared through the co-precipitation approach using graphene oxide as the carrier and FeCl3·6H2O and FeSO4·7H2O as iron sources. The ...
Received: 14 February 2019; Accepted: 20 February 2019; Published: 26 February 2019 Abstract: The selective conversion of phenolic materials is a well-adopted solution to upgrade lignin-based bioresources into high-value bio-oil in biomass refinery industries. This study focused on four main ...
苦参凝胶(贵阳新天药业),苦参凝胶,苦参凝胶(贵阳新天药业)价格,苦参凝胶(贵阳新天药业)功效,贵阳新天药业股份有限公司,ai用药说明书,功效:抗菌消炎。用于宫颈糜烂,赤白带下, 滴虫性阴道炎及阴道霉菌感染等妇科慢性炎症。
Abstract: Quercetin, a flavonoid with promising therapeutic potential, has been shown to protect from cisplatin nephrotoxicity in rats following intraperitoneal injection, but its low bioavailability curtails its prospective clinical utility in oral therapy. We recently developed a micellar formulation (P-...
11.6 16.6 17.4 14.2 22.6 (d) (c) (b) (a) 10 20 30 40 2Theta/degree FFiigguurree77..TThheeXXRRDDppaattteerrnnssooff(a(a))ppuurerePPeebbaaxxmmemembbrarnane,e(,b(b) )PPebeabxa/x/CCuu--BBTTCCMMMMMMss, ,(c(c))PPeebbaaxx//NNHH22- CCuu--BBTTCCMMMMMMssaanndd((dd))PPeebb...