For every cases, we rely on a procedural approach based on progressive deformation, and eventually, on-the-fly refinement of the geometry just before the rendering stage.doi:10.1016/j.respe.2011.03.029Rivera DíazRoberto Carlogrenoble
Volume 60, Issue 7, pages 2122–2134, 2 November 1977Additional Information How to Cite Buzas, A., Cossais, F., Finet, J.-P., Jacquet, J.-P., Lavielle, G., Cavier, R. and Platzer, N. (1977), Synthèse et propriétés amœbicides d'analogues de l'émétine. Analyse des comp...
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It must be assumed that during the linear synthesis the existing messenger RNA is stabilised by the physiological conditions of catabolite repression.doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1969.tb00617.xR. GaillardBlackwell Publishing LtdEuropean Journal of Biochemistry...
Next, the analysis of results from fittings to a set of spectroscopic measurements on niobium nitride, NbN, gives rise to a discussion about the interest of the method and about its limits.Jean-Louis FéméniasGérard Chevalcanadian journal of physics...
An important issue in autoimmune diseases mediated by T cells, such as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), is the affinity of the disease-inducing determinants for MHC class II proteins. Tolerance, either due to clonal deletion or anergy induction, is thought to require high-affinity ...
This work focuses on the interaction between human activity in mountainous areas and slope movement hazards. The paper considers the triggering factors and processes of instability in the urbanized area of Les Arcs, an area exploited for mass ski runs and where many debris flows have occurred over...