根据拼音写出相应的词语。①苍黄的天底下,远近横着几个xiāo suǒ___萧索的荒村,没有一些活气。②二是说明读书的方法,不要固执一点,yǎo wén jiáo zì___,而要前后贯通,
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doi:10.1002/bscb.19800890907This site is powered by the VTLS VITAL repository solution.Bernard TinantJean-Paul DeclercqGabriel GermainMaurice Van MeersscheBulletin Des Sociétés Chimiques Belges
Conformational differences between C- and O-glycosides: the a-O-Man-(1 ! 1)- b-Gal/a-C-Man-(1 ! 1)-b-Gal case--a decisive demonstration of the importance of the exo-anomeric effect on the conformation of glycosides. Chem. Eur. J. 2000, 6, 1035 - 1041....
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This result agrees with the proposal that preferential equatorial attack of a nucleophile is caused by conformational factors related to a steroid non-steroid conformation equilibrium in thecis-isomers.[Journal Translation]C. AgamiT. RizkR. DurandP. Genestecanadian journal of chemistry...
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