doi:10.1002/pssa.2210460212D. SamarasA. CollombJ. C. JoubertWILEY‐VCH VerlagPhysica Status Solidi
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图书Les problèmes fondamentaux de la géodésie et les solutions qui y ont été apportées grâce à l'observation des satellites artificiels 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Rattana Worayuthakarn, Nopporn Thasana, Somsak Ruchirawat, Three Distinct Reactions of 3,4-Dihydroisoquinolines with Azlactones: Novel Synthesis of Imidazoloisoquinolin-3-ones, Benzo[a]quinolizin-4-ones, and Benzo[d]azocin-4-ones, Organic Letters, 2006, 8, 25, 5845 CrossRef 2 Amrita...
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t&eacutes locales de l&039espace des hom&We consider in this paper the space of all orientation preserving and fixed point free homeomorphisms of the plane, endowed with the compact-open topology. Our main theorem asserts that this space is locally contractible. Then we give a new ...
Ruwet, A., Janne, D. and Renson, M. (1970), Formation de Chromones (O,S,Se) et D'Autres Dérivés par Action du Dicétène sur le Phénol, le Thiophénol et le Sélénophenol. Contribution â L'étude des Réactions de Pechmann et Simonis. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 79: 81–88...
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From tetracoordinated “arsatranes” and orthochinons new arsenic derivatives were synthesised according a “Kukhtin-Ramirez” reaction. PMR and X-ray studies showed in these compounds the same N As bond as in the starting products, thus revealing the existance of a new series of hexa...
has been verified for a certain number of associated solutions. Yet small deviations have been observed. In order to understand the origin of these residual deviations we have studied the thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties of the systems ethyl alcohol-carbon disulphide and ethyl alcohol-dioxan....