On July 9, 2024, the FTC published a long-awaitedreporton its PBM study titled, “Pharmacy Benefit Managers: The Powerful Middlemen Inflating Drug Costs and Squeezing Main Street Pharmacies.” Although the agency described it as an “Interim Staff Report,” it lays out the FTC’s concerns in...
Last update:July 23, 2024 CREATED FOR: Beginner Intermediate Experienced Admin Developer Leader User Join our May Marketo Champion Tech Sessions, with our panel of Champions Chris Kelley, Sarah Ryan, Jimmy Spencer, and Briney Young, with Moderator Courtny Edwards-Jones. ...
There are two classes of Alphabet stock, Class A shares, which has voting rights, and Class C shares, that do not have voting rights. This report will reference the Class A shares. On July 23rd, 2024, Alphabet declared its second ever quarterly dividend of $0.20 per share. Also on July...
As of July 18th, 2024, an earlier version of GPT-4o mini outperforms GPT-4T 01-25. 2 Eval numbers for GPT-4o mini are computed using oursimple-evals(opens in a new window)repo with the API assistant system message prompt. For competitor models, we take the maximum number over th...
to ask your questions and get honest answers to have a personal on-site consultation with one of our doctors feel welcomed and supported to get your hope back! Our guest speakers will be there for Q&A after my lecture to discuss with you the most precious questions. Our doctors will be th...
Cloudlare's Zero Trust platform allows you can configure policies to control network-level traffic leaving your endpoints. Using network selectors like IP addresses and ports, your policies will control access to any network origin. Because Cloudflare integrates with your identity provider, it also gi...
MMSCENE MAGAZINE JULY 2024 摄影:Sasha Olsen 造型:Downtown Darling 模特:Giorgio Ramondetta
10/10/2024Update:Hello, everybody! I am still in Japan waiting. I will update the status as soon as I receive the card. Finally the temperature came down from the high 80’s to low 70’s this week. The months of June-July-August-September in Japan is hot and high humidity. Every...
In May 2024, GPT-4o was released by OpenAi. To analyze the performance of this advanced LLM, we challenged GPT-4o with the 45 test questions from the M1 autumn 2022 exam and the 47 test questions from the M1 spring 2021 exam. Surprisingly, GPT-4o greatly improved its performance with ...
UEFA EURO 2024™ już za nami, a ta aktualizacja koncentruje się na rozwiązywaniu kluczowych bieżących problemów w celu poprawy wrażeń z gry. Dzięki tym ulepszeniom odkryjesz nowe ekscytujące wydarzenia. Jak zawsze bądź na bieżąco i obserwuj nasze konto...