Eva Clícia de Jesus AlmeidaRonaldo Vasconcelos Farias FilhoOlimpia Lima Silva FilhaActas Iberoamericanas de Conservación Animal - AICAGois FD, Almeida ECJ, Farias Filho RV, Silva Filha OL, 2012. Estudo preliminar sobre o dimorfismo sexual do pato cinza do Catole (Cairina moschata). Actas ...
Therefore, with this work, we aim to provide guidance for future investigations.dos Santos Fonseca, ChristianCordeiro Silva Junior, JuvenalMoura Peixoto de Jesus, AlaércioInvestigaes em Ensino de Ciências
Research carried out with 34 participants, with a prevalence of females, aged between 18 and 24 years, white race, single marital status, Catholic religion and residents of the State of Rio de Janeiro, who mainly use the cell phone as a means of accessing the social networ...
ESTUDO COMPARATIVO DE METODOLOGIAS DE CONTROLE GRANULOMETRICO NO PROCESSO DE PELOTAMENTO DAS USINASVALEGranulometric controlPelletizing processOptimum particle sizeOptimizationThe green pellets sizing is one of the most important variables of the pelletizing process. According to Kurt Meyer ("Pelletizing of...
G. (2003). Aspectos da motivacao para o trabalho voluntario com doentes oncologicos: um estudo colaborativo entre Brasil e Portugal. Psicologia, Saude & Doencas, 4(3), 267-276.Souza, C., Bacalhau, M., Moura, M., Volpi, J., Marques, S. & Rodrigues M. (2003). Aspectos da motiva...
Study of the association of hypovitaminosis D in chronic migraineEstudo da associao da hipovitaminose D na enxaqueca crnicadoi:10.1590/0004-282X20150014Carlos Alberto da Silva de JesusArq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.
LEO DE COZINHA USADO E O SEU DESCARTE - UM ESTUDO REALIZADO NA CIDADE DE SO RAIMUNDO NONATO E REGIOdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n1-076EDIBLE fats & oilsCITIES & townsFIELD researchENVIRONMENTAL educationPETROLEUMEnvironmental concern has become a frequent topic in ...
Qual a origem do saber do auxiliar de classe? Estudo sobre o no lugar profissionaldoi:10.18593/r.v48.32247PROFESSIONAL employeesThis research aimed to know the origin of the knowledge mobilized by people who perform the function of class assistant and their influence in the ...
Originality/value: The research adheres to the factors linked to increased performance and quality in the public health service in basic health units.de Jesus Furtado da Silva, ElisngelaMacêdo dos Santos, Laysse FernandaGESTO.Org: Revista Eletrnica de Gesto Organiz...
A educao e o pertencimento cooperativista: um estudo de caso na Cooperativa Sicredi Fronteira/MS realizado em 2012doi:10.7769/gesec.v14i4.1986This study addresses the need for cooperative education and its importance for local organization. To this end, the study sough...