PJ7, ST. MAARTEN. Felix, HB9FLX, is now active as PJ7/HB9FLX from the Azure Hotel, Simpson Bay, on Sint Maarten (NA-105), until November 4th. Activity will be on 40/20/17/15/10 meters using SSB and the Digital modes. He plans to be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-...
megan cavanagh megan foxx megan simpson huberma meganucleus plmeganuc megaports initiative megara hyblaea megarace 2 megarian megasporophyll megathermal climate megawatts day megaweather ipad edit megazone megeaocytoviurs meglio cosÌ meglumine antimonate megohmsensitivity megumi hayashibara megumi kobashello...
Barbara Simpson•May 17, 2007 2:37 PM As someone who grew up “down the road” from Tech, got my BA there, worked there for 12 years and was married on its campus, I have felt great personal grief and shock following the events of April 16. As you might imagine, I followed the ...
它们的大脑也变得更大,腿变得更短,但耐力更强。 蝗虫形态的变化 图片来源:Wikipedia 除此之外,科学家还发现,一旦蝗虫的密度降低,它们就会回到了独居时候的模样,彼此之间保持距离,独自行动开来。然而,群体离散行为的阈值远远低于群体形成的阈值。也就是说,蝗群形成容易,但散开则很困难。 按照国家的防蝗灾防治标准,当...
20 yrs ago, Rick Simpson story, Hemp curing cancer. https://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/HistoryJewishPersecution Kharzarian Mafia Judaic hateful acts against humanity…Last 2000 years.https://www.dayofnoah.com/video/hippocratic-hypocrisy-premier How medicine was taken over for profit. An...