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one move undo one movement music fe one must be free one must be loyal one must deny evoluti one my love has gone one nation under debt one next to one one night in berlin one night in nyc one night wandering one nil to the arsena one of hong kongs big one of outstanding ta one...
outside gradient outside its borders outside of an old tow outside ownership outside packed floati outside recesses outside service hall outside size outside source of hum outside stripping sec outside the open wind outside to behold outside tube outside-deviation outsidebroker outsideloop ...
IDataOutput Używana do określania, który z formatów (AMF3 lub AMF0) zostanie użyty podczas zapisywania lub odczytywania danych binarnych za pomocą metody writeObject(). ObjectEncoding— klasa Final, pakiet flash.net Klasa ObjectEncoding jest używana przy definiowaniu ustawień...
For cations with the same oxidation state (i.e., Ga3+and Al3+), the impact of the B-site dopant on the O1-O1 distance is limited, yet consistent. While the difference in the average O1-O1 distance between the Ba- and Cs-end members of the Ga-hollandite solid solution is 0.386 ...
cathedral [kəˈθiːdr(ə)l] n. 大教堂(天主教) cattle [ˈkæt(ə)l] n. 牛(总称), 家畜 cause [kɔːz] n. 原因, 起因 vt. 促使, 引起, 使发生 caution [ˈkɔːʃ(ə)n] n. 谨慎, 小心, 警告 cautious [ˈkɔːʃəs] a. 小心的, 谨慎的...
约翰·济慈 O Solitude! 哦,孤独 O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell, 哦,孤独!假若我和你必需同住, Let it not be among the jumbled heap, 可别在这层叠的一片 Of murky buildings,climb with me the steep, 灰色建筑里,让我们爬上山, ...
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sin22θ13Measurement at reactorsνeνeνeνeνeνeDistance(L)irobabPlityνe1.01500metersUUnnoosscciillllaattee dfflluuxx oobbsseerrvveedd hheerreWWeellll uunnddeerrssttoooodd,,iissoottrrooppiicc ssoouurrccee ooff eelleeccttrroonn aanntt ... 李小男 - ...
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