O. Henry(欧·亨利)简介 欧·亨利于1862年9月11日出生于北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯勒,是一位受欢迎的美国短篇小说作家。威廉·悉尼·波特年轻时住在德克萨斯州奥斯汀,从事各种零工,如绵羊牧场主、药剂师和银行出纳员。在此期间,他过着活跃的社交生活,以机智、讲故事甚至唱歌而闻名。他也是一个狂热的读者,并始终如一地...
知识 校园学习 英语 外研2019 twenty years later 欧亨利 高中 必修一 二十年后 sara_wx 发消息 突然发现嘴巴臭的人都有一个共性。。 朵朵朵three 接下来播放 自动连播 【4K】【高中生】【微电影】【欧·亨利】 After twenty years 二十年后 啸Capture 9108 5 ...
忠义两难全——读O·Henry《After twenty years》 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 欧·亨利是世界文学史上杰出的短篇小说家之一,共创作了三百多部短篇小说,其中大部分小说都具备这样的特征: “成熟、幽默、冷嘲热讽、精巧,充满了丰富的‘人情味’”。如果说前两篇《the Gift of the Magi》和《the last leaf》充满...
"Twenty years ago to-night," said the man, "I dined here at 'Big Joe' Brady's with Jimmy Wells, my best chum, and the finest chap in the world. He and I were raised here in New York, just like two broth...
after twenty years” by o henry:二十年后“欧亨利 下载积分: 500 内容提示: “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry In the story “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry, two friends are about to reunite at the same place they parted twenty years before. After carefully reading “After Twenty ...
"After Twenty Years" by O'Henry The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators were few. The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh de...
“Oh, I grew a little after I was twenty.” “Are you doing well in New York, Jimmy?” “Well enough. I work for the city. Come on, Bob, We’ll go to a place I know, and have a good long talk about old times.” The two men started along the street, arm in arm. The ma...
After Twenty Years by O. Henry A policcan was checking through the whole street. He was so and suddenly slowed down, finding that in the doorway of a dark store stood a man. “It’s all right, officer,” he spoke up quickly. The man lighted a cigar (雪茄). The light showed a ...
“After Twenty Years” by O. Henry In the story “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry, two friends are about to reunite at the same place they parte..
after twenty years by o henry英语阅读理解After Twenty Years by O.Henry A policeman was checking through the whole street.He was so (1)___and suddenly slowed down,finding that in the doorway of a dark store stood a man. "It's all right,officer,"he spoke up quickly, "Just waiting...