目前大家经常使用的Excel列名与列号转换算法都至少包含一个循环算法的时间复杂度远大于O(1),众所周知Excel的列数是有上限的,既然是有穷的那么很显然我们可以做到O(1)转换列名与列号。 首先我们获取列号的上限,打开Excel按 Ctrl + → 切换到最后一列发现列名为XFD 通过常
Statistical analysis was performed via GraphPad Prism, version 9.3.1 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA), and XLStat for Excel (Addinsoft, Paris, France/Okayama, Japan/New York, NY, USA). The citation rank corresponds to the article's rank based on the total number of citations. The...
Results Major and Trace Element Geochemistry The garnet formula is normalized to 12 oxygen and 8 cations and calculated using the Excel-based program [43]. According to the quality index [43], most of the analyses are superior, and some are excellent. The re-calculated totals of the oxides ...
EEnneerrggyy bbaannddsssstrtruucctuturereatatthtehneenaerasrursfuarcfeawcehwenhiennteirnatcetrinacgtiwnigthwoixthygoexnyagnednraendducriendgugcaisnegs: g(aas)epsr:i(oar) tporiaonrytosuarnfyacseuirnfatecreaicnttieorna;c(tbio)ne;le(bct)reolnescttrroanpsptirnagppanindgfaonrmd afotiromnaotifo...