two important concepts to be accurately defined are "cerrado" and "biome". as used in brazil, the concept of biome has erroneously acquired a floristic meaning. as a matter of fact, the concept of biome is close to that of vegetation form, but takes into account the association between ...
FIGURA 1. Área de domínio do bioma Mata Atlântica. Fonte: SOS Mata Atlântica (2017). Totalmente inserida no bioma Mata Atlântica, abrangendo também o que se considera bioma marinho costeiro do Atlântico Sul, a Bacia de Campos é a principal região produtora de petróleo do ...
Discussão da combinação dos resultados entre os cálculos das dimensões, determinação das condições, serviços ecossistêmicos, relato das espécies ameaçadas para os seguintes biomas: Amazônia, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pampa e Pantanal. Com base neste trabalho, se poderá cal...
Mapeamento das fitofisionomias de cerrado da Reserva Biológica da Contagem, DF, por meio de sensoriamento remoto The importance of the Cerrado Bioma and the human pressure which is submitted, become essential the creation and the management of units of conservation for it's preservation. Large ...
The aim of the present work was to characterize the soils solution and to examine Al's speciation in soils under pasture in Brazilian Cerrado region. The soils used in this study were collected in the space between the towns of Goinia, GO and Barra do Garcas, MT, to the margins of GO...