这款机箱虽然内部空间有限,但设计巧妙,散热效果也不错,适合那些追求性能和外观的用户。如果你正在寻找一款既美观又实用的ITX机箱,不妨考虑一下NZXT H1 V2。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 章小丸子成长中ing 2025-01-03 🎻瓜尔内里1739年小提琴的传奇之旅🔮...全文 +5 章小丸子成长中ing 2025-01-03 FRAM...
最近入手了NZXT H1 v2 ITX机箱,真是省心又高效!整个装机过程不到两个小时就搞定了,免去了繁琐的走线工作。唯一有点小麻烦的是AIO水冷的风扇线需要插在主板的USB针脚上,不过后来通过NZXT CAM软件轻松控制风扇转速,一切都变得很简单。 这次升级了CPU平台,从8600K换成了12600KF,内存、显卡和SSD都是现成的。趁着主板...
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NZXT/恩杰H1V1机箱升级4.0显卡延长线的解决方案视频所用延长线为恩杰H1V2的机箱原配4.0显卡延长线,把两头绕线器对换即可完美匹配H1V1机箱。 取消只看楼主收藏回复 月亮弯弯105 478P4 5 播放出现小问题,请 刷新 尝试 送TA礼物 1楼2024-11-20 08:28回复 ...
4个月前 · H1/H1V21700扣具 此用户没有填写评价。 参数信息 品牌 NZXT 生产企业 美国商.恩杰有限公司 颜色分类 H1/H1V21700扣具 图文详情 本店推荐 恩杰NZXT LED 灯条主机箱灯条可调色 RGB灯带HUE控制 两条装 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#UVFRUVwKrg1MHzUNKQPSCCIAXwbPDA4wKQyDBDgNtw4VH/0wWAkZASIKpQJVDVsG1wn...
We'll make sure to pass along your appreciation to Juan for providing such excellent, no-hassle support. If you need any assistance with your new H1 v2 or any other NZXT products in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Thermal paste: Noctua NT-H1 The test was conducted in a closed system with: 3 x 120mm NZXT fans, rotating at maximum RPM range at 12 volts. 1 x 140mm NZXT fan, rotating at maximum RPM range at 12 volts. Room temperature of about 24~25 degrees Celsius. ...
** Bluetooth 5.3 will be ready in Windows 10 build 21H1 and Windows 11. Bluetooth v5.2 Bluetooth 5.2 Bluetooth 5.4 Wireless LAN AMD Wi-Fi 6EThe Wireless module is pre-installed in the M.2 (Key-E) slotSupports MU-MIMO TX/RXSupports 20MHz, 40MHz, 80MHz bandwidth in 2.4GHz/ 5GHz or...
NZXT, a leader in PC gaming hardware and services, today announces the new H1 - loaded with features to house your choice of components in an easy-to-build system that simplifies installation. With added space for even more powerful parts, larger intake holes for improved cooling, and built-...
** Bluetooth 5.3 will be ready in Windows 10 build 21H1 and Windows 11. Bluetooth 5.4 Bluetooth v5.2 Wireless LAN AMD Wi-Fi 6EThe Wireless module is pre-installed in the M.2 (Key-E) slotSupports MU-MIMO TX/RXSupports 20MHz, 40MHz, 80MHz bandwidth in 2.4GHz/ 5GHz or 6GHz* bands...