CAM is free PC monitoring software. Control performance, temperatures, and lighting for all of your NZXT components.
恩杰PC监控软件NZXT CAM Beta测试版是目前市面上最流行的PC 系统监控应用程序,灯光、温度、设备、风扇、功率以及系统各项设备都可以全方位的监控和调节。NZXT CAM 快速、高效且易于使用,是很多搞机达人都在用的软件。 软件特色 游戏同步 每当您启动我们数以千计的受支持游戏之一时,将您的灯光和风扇设置为改变。匹配...
AllenBeta Mali 8 刚入手的NZXT,水冷头在调白色固定的情况下是下图中颜色,这个是正常现象吗 AllenBeta Mali 8 有大佬吗 AllenBeta Mali 8 111111 Laurent Voodoo 11 你肯定加了其他颜色 cam里好好看看 旗舰版百里屠苏 Quadro 16 正常,RGB灯光的白色本来就是三色混合的,这种带灯产品毕竟不比显示器是...
NZXT CAM是NZXT(恩杰)官方推出的电脑硬件监控测试软件,可以随时检测电脑硬件,包括CPU、GPU、风扇等等,实时工作状态一目了然,另外还支持机箱、灯光的调控,软件小巧,功能全面,中文界面更好操作。 恩杰cam软件介绍 NXZT宣布推出新的NZXT CAM 4.0软体。NZXT CAM是一款监控软体,可为用户提供系统零件温度和性能的快速状态。
After installing my new ARC A-770 and installing the necessary drivers, NZXT CAM is no longer able to view the temps of my CPU or GPU. I'm also unable to change the fan speeds of my case and AIO while drivers are installed. I've installed previous driver versions a...
买X62的必定玩灯或者想自定义风扇转速策略等等,需要先到NZXT的官网下载并安装CAM软件,目前官网最新版本为v,该软件能够让用户对风扇转速、水泵转速,进行控制和调节,同时还能监控主板,CPU,GPU、RAM的运行频率,当前温度,甚至还能超频(此项为Beta测试)!功能非常强大,接下来展示CAM软件界面 第一次安装需要调整语言,设定好...
NZXT E系列电源是NZXT同台系厂家海韵联合开发,基于海韵Focus平台,又加入了德州仪器的数字电源控制器,支持NZXT的CAM软件,用户可以对电压、功耗、温度等参数进行实时监测,对风扇转速、12V的过流保护(OCP)功能进行调节和控制。 NZXT E系列电源提供了500W、650W和850W三款型号,外壳长度都为150mm,在低于100W时可以进入无...
don't know which device you mean - for the NZXT i did also a deinstallation, reboot and after that, System find the same driver again - also a new-installation of NZXT CAM software done. All other devices are default, or Vendor related drivers. I mean if you go to Device Manager...
NZXT CAM is the focal point for the NZXT Canvas Monitors because it allows gamers to tune their monitor's settings easily, set custom game profiles, and have it change automatically when it starts. This gives you the ability to change the Canvas's settings easily, tuning the picture to opti...
Neither are being fond by cam. Hooked the x63 to outside USB port and still nothing. Believe CAM is updated but cannot find where I would check to see. Also have Cam beta as thought it might be more up to donate. Board is a Z490-A Pro. First build here. It is working and ...