BOOLCheckTokenMembershipEx( [in, optional] HANDLE TokenHandle, [in] PSID SidToCheck, [in] DWORD Flags, [out] PBOOL IsMember ); Parameters [in, optional] TokenHandle A handle to an access token. If present, this token is checked for the SID. If not present, then the current eff...
String that contains the Name property of the IAzApplicationGroup object to remove from the list of the application groups that are refused membership in this application group. [in, optional] varReserved Reserved for future use. Return value If the method succeeds, it will return S_OK....
SHTestTokenMembership function Shellscalingapi.h Shidfact.h Shimgdata.h Shldisp.h Shlobj.h Shlobj_core.h Shlwapi.h Shobjidl.h Shobjidl_core.h Shtypes.h Storageprovider.h Syncmgr.h Thumbcache.h Thumbnailstreamcache.h Tlogstg.h Urlmon.h Userenv.h Winnt.h Winuser.h Download PDF Learn...
The NetLocalGroupAddMembers function adds membership of one or more existing user accounts or global group accounts to an existing local group.
The PeerGroupEnumMembers function creates an enumeration of available peer group members and the associated membership information.
No special group membership is required to successfully execute this function. Requirements RequirementValue Minimum supported clientNone supported Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2003 [desktop apps only] Target PlatformWindows Headerlmaccess.h (include Lm.h) ...
effect until a reboot. With this option, the caller instructs theNetJoinDomainfunction to use the new name during the domain join operation. A reboot is required after callingNetJoinDomainsuccessfully at which time both the computer name change and domain membership change will have taken affect....
23/02/2024 Feedback In this article Syntax Parameters Return value Requirements See also TheWPUFDIsSetfunction checks the membership of the specified socket handle. Syntax C++ intWPUFDIsSet( [in] SOCKET s, [in] fd_set *fdset ); Parameters ...
DrtOpen function creates a local Distributed Routing Table instance against criteria specified by the DRT_SETTINGS structure.
Keycredmgr.h Lmaccess.h Lsalookup.h Mmcobj.h Mscat.h Mssip.h Namedpipeapi.h Ncrypt. h Npapi.h Ntlsa.h Ntsecapi.h Ntsecpkg.h Processthreadsapi.h Sas.h TheAccessCheckAndAuditAlarmfunction determines whether asecurity descriptorgrants a specified set of access rights to the client bei...