NZD/USD分析 美元兑日圆走低,关注日本央行政策决定 提供者亚太外汇网 •2013年1月21日 美元兑日圆走强,受日本央行宽松政策预期提振 亚洲汇市周四,美元兑日&#... 提供者ACM高级通货市场 •2013年1月11日 郁波:欧元突破阻力上涨 在今天的外汇市场上,中 &... 提供者龙汇 •2012年12月03日 孙建发:美指...
外汇- NZD/USD在亚洲盘口上升 价位为0.8291上升0.08%. 支撑位可能为0.8193星期一低点,阻力为0.8349星期三高点. 同时,新西兰元兑澳大利亚元上升,兑欧元上升,下跌0.04%,达到1.2391,下跌0.12%,达到1.5807. 仅2024年迄今,ProPicksAI的AI选股模型就挖掘出了2支狂飙150%的股票,4支大涨30%的股票,还有3支股票也已涨超25%...
NZDUSD | A complete New Zealand Dollar currency overview by MarketWatch. View the currency market news and exchange rates to see currency strength.
I have observed that the NZD/USD currency pair initially traded near the resistance level of 0.56732. However, the price began to decline from this point. The downward movement reached a low of 0.55471, where I noticed significant buying volume. Given this buying volume, I deduced that the pa...
New Zealand Dollar/U.S. Dollar(^NZDUSD) 0.56726-0.00026(-0.05%)09:49 CT[FOREX] 0.567180.56735 Using The Trader's Cheat Sheet To Identify Support & Resistance:Watch the Webinar Projection Effective Date: Feb 7th, 2025 Support/Resistance LevelsPriceKey Turning Points ...
1515301H5H1D1W1M技术图表 NZD/XCD - 新西兰元 东加勒比元 1.5286 -0.0011(-0.07%) 1日 1周 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 5年 最大值 昨收 1.5296 卖价 1.5204 当日幅度 1.5229-1.5321 开盘 1.5296 买价 1.5367 52 周范围 1.4969-1.7289 1年涨跌幅 -7.58% 技术 强力卖出 卖出 中性 买入 强力买入 中性 ...
Among forex traders the NZD/USD currency pair is nicknamed the "Kiwi." The NZD/USD is also affected by factors that influence the value of the New Zealand dollar and/or the U.S. dollar in relation to each other and other currencies. The interest rate differential between theReserve Bank ...
4 5 6 7 8 9 NZD/USD Chart Forex Charts powered Facebook Who's Online There are currently 0 users online. Who's new ThomasThulp ryancy yfx_admin Visitors Total Visitors: 1968563 Unique Visitors: 56726 Registered Users: 5511 ... - 在星期五新西兰元兑美元下跌. 在写本新闻时NZD/USD价位为0.8262下跌0.08%. 支撑位可能为0.8183星期一低点,阻力为0.8288今日高点. 同时,新西兰元兑澳大利亚元上升,兑欧元上升,AUD/NZD下跌0.24%,达到1.2547,EUR/NZD下跌0.70%,达到1.5544. 第三方广告。非Investing.com产品或者推荐。点击此处查看声明或者...
United States USD 1 CAD $ 1.0000 729.5213 4.0694 690.3912 14.2542 0.6948 1 NZD $ 0.8150 594.7324 3.3169 562.8321 11.6182 0.5663 1 GBP £ 1.7917 1,307.1450 7.2915 1,237.0300 25.5404 1.2449 1 EUR € 1.5028 1,096.4100 6.1160 1,037.6000 21.4228 1.0442 Data delayed at least 10 minutes, as of Ja...