在新西兰成功注册的公司,都会拥有一个唯一的NZBN号码,这就是新西兰的商业号码。它的英文全称是New Zealand Business Number,简写为NZBN,这是新西兰的企业在新西兰内部和全世界识别唯一性的一个最有效的方式。新西兰人对于不熟悉的公司,往往最先开始进行查看的就是这个公司的NZBN号码,NZBN...
Reference Number: 262317. New Zealand Business Directory - Information about GZ COMTECH (NZ) COMPANY LIMITED is populated and aggregated from various sources. We provided these information on our directory for your information and references only, and may have changed since we last updated. If you...
The author states that a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) will be allocated to every business.Stevens, PeterFmcg