Queenstown weather forecast, two hourly data, maps, rain radar and current conditions. MetService is New Zealand’s national weather authority, providing accurate town, city and rural forecasts across the country.
Weather Endeavour Inlet, today, hourly. Endeavour Inlet, today's hourly weather forecast. Severe weather alerts. freemeteo.co.nz
Current WeatherConditionsIn Auckland Partly cloudy. Mild. 68°F / 20°C click for forecast and more Time Here, Time There(Time Zone Converter) Want to see the time in New Zealand compared with your home? Choose a date and time then click "Submit" and we'll help you convert it from Ne...
Weather 0-5101520253035+ Clouds and Precipitation Forecast for 2025-03-09 06:00 UTC. Updated 4 hours ago METAR NZWN 090700Z AUTO 17012KT 9999 NCD 16/13 Q1026 Reporting station NZWN Observed at 07:00 UTC on the 9th Automated observation ...
Airport information for Napier (NZNR) in , including runways, map, navaids, weather (METAR/TAF) and ATC frequencies. For flight simulation use only.
Like this location? Make it a Weather Favorite! Add New Zealand to my favorites! Bookmark this location to check the time and temperature with forecast and current weather conditions in Auckland, New Zealand before making travel plans for a hotel or flight to Auckland, New Zealand Whether is ...
Snow forecast map for All New Zealand showing snow accumulation over the next 10 days and past 7 days, plus snow reports, live weather conditions and webcams. Find the best snow conditions in All New Zealand for skiing and snowboarding.
Weather for the week °C051015202530 TueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWed12/1012/1112/1212/1312/1412/1512/1612/1712/181319010713190107131901071319010713190107131901071319010713190107131901kmh25227112922714221814722227181822711181847111874182211111474 mm5101520253035 Showers Precipitation Updated 12/10 03:58 See detailed forecast for ...
The weather around here can be extreme: hot and dry during summer with a lack of shade, and icy cold in winter although snow can also fall in spring and autumn. It’s essential to check in with the locals on the forecast and trail conditions, and be prepared for all possibilities.Around...