1.点击官网后选择“Apply for a visa”。 2. 填写签证类型及目的,出去玩一般就是Visitor visa,点击“VIEW VISA DETAILS & APPLY”。 3. 点击页面最下方“APPLY NOW”。 二、关于上传文件 官网上传文件相关规定: https://online.immigration.govt.nz/igms/online/myaccount/uploadingdocuments.aspx 核心要点: 1....
If you are traveling to New Zealand on a passport from certain countries, you will need to apply for a Visitor Visa. With this visa, you can stay for up to 6 months with multiple entries or 9 months with a single entry. Please note that you are not allowed to work, but you can en...
If you have provided certificates before 如果2年内提交过无犯罪证明,2年内申请其他新的旅游签证,工作签证或交流生签证都不再需要提供无犯罪证明。If you are applying for a visitor or work visa, or for an Exchange Student Visa, you do not need to provide police certificates if: you provided them ...
Immigration consultation and advice to help you apply for a visa for work, study, visit, and, business investment in New Zealand. We’re located in Christchurch.
Whenyourenewyourforeignpassport,youwillneedtoapplyfortheendorsementtobeendorsedinthenewpassport. Theapplicationfeesforthefirsttimeandsecondandsubsequentapplicationsaredifferent. HoldersofReturningResident’sVisa(RRV)issuedundertheImmigrationAct1987-IfanRRVisendorsedinyourcurrentforeignpassport,youmaytraveltoand...
Increasing visa, border fees will put tourists off – Foran Air New Zealand chief executive Greg Foran says rising costs for travellers such as higher visa and border fees, as well as a possible rise to the international visitor levy, will deter people from visiting. 30th August 2024 Air NZ...
Those who have held or had applied for a Critical Purpose Visitor visa (with work conditions) before 4 July 2022 are also eligible. Applications for this visa open from September 2023. InternetNZ appoints new CEO InternetNZ, which manages the .nz top...
Taiwanese aged between 18-30 years can apply for a 12 month working holiday visa for New Zealand. There are 600 places available each year. For more information please visitNew Zealand Immigration. 年齡介於18-30歲的紐西蘭人可以申請前往臺灣的12個月打工度假簽證。
As New Zealand Licensed Immigration Advisers, we are specialists in all types of visas such as Work, Student, Partnership, Visitor, Residence visa, and special categories. We understand the process of moving to another country and the challenges you will face. Let the visas and immigration expert...
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