Native crystals of the full-length protein grew in space group R3 and diffracted to 2.8 Å resolution using a synchrotron radiation source. However, we were unsuccessful in producing full-length selenomethionine (Se-Met) derivatized protein, due to poor protein expression in the methionine ...
1、实验室简介 材料复合新技术国家重点实验室属于新材料领域, 1987年由国家计委批准、建于武汉理工大学,1990年3月通过国家验收对外开放。主管部门为国家科技部,现任实验室名誉主任为哈佛大学Charles M. Lieber教授,实验室学术委员会主任为中科院院士顾秉林教授,实验室主任为张清杰教授...
a Group Leader at the Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, was working from home when a tweet caught his eye. The scientific research team at Diamond Light Source, the UK’s national synchrotron science facility,...