Do you fully understand your mortgages and other loans? Does your partner have superannuation in New Zealand or overseas? It is important for partners in a relationship discuss their finances openly and honestly. If one partner is avoiding or dismissing the conversation, it could be a sign of u...
Myer Shareholder Class Action Judgment: TPT Patrol Pty Ltd as trustee for Amies Superannuation Fund v Myer Holdings Limited [2019] FCA 1747 QBE Common Fund Decision: Money Max Int Pty Ltd (Trustee) v QBE Insurance Group Limited [2016] FCAFC 148 (26 October 2016) Class Actions Blog Disclaime...
Here’s an example of a superannuation fund that I work with that constantly gets great reviews. We predominantly market the “fossil/coal free” USP with everything we do, but in looking through positive reviews I noticed that “Human rights abuse” was consistently showing up as a reason c...