1、申请新西兰普通学生签证,还是Pathway学签?如果你在新西兰计划连续就读1个以上、3个以下的课程(如语言+预科+本科),且你所就读的院校也在Pathway院校名单上,那你可以申请Pathway Student Visa,一次性拿到3个课程的签证(有效期最高5年),避免多次续签的麻烦。只去新西兰就读一个课程,或者就读的院校不在Pathwa...
Begin by completing our free online eligibility assessment to determine if you qualify for a visa. If eligible, we recommend booking an initial consultation where our advisers will assess your circumstances and tailor a pathway for your application. ...
We’ve helped thousands of people secure visas forNew Zealandright through to providing a pathway to permanent residence. Our expert visa team of Licensed Immigration Advisers are here to guide you through every step of the process. LOCAL PROVIDER ...
(2)打包ELICOS语言课程的最低要求从IELTS 4.5提高到IELTS 5.0 (3)入读预科或Pathway课程的最低要求为IELTS5.5 学生签证申请的语言要求并非强制性条件,只是不满足豁免语言要求的申请人,移民局有权利抽查语言能力,分数低于门槛要求的申请人存在被拒签的风险。...
Three language schools in New Zealand have been approved to offer Accredited Pathway Assessments as language proficiency evidence for tertiary education.
In December 2021, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins announced that the country’s borders will remain closeduntil the end of February. The government, however, announced yesterday that the MIQ lottery system — the only pathway home for overseas citizens and visa holders — would betemporar...
据了解,去年12月7日起,新西兰教育部和移民局推出了有效期5年的Pathway Student Visa(通路学生签证),允许学生就读一个以上具有时间连贯性的不同课程(不超过3个),并在同一张签证上体现。持有此签证的人可以按照自己提交的学习计划在多达三个教育机构读书。“一般来说,五年可以囊括预科以上学习的所有阶段。对于国际...
1、UP Education通往新西兰顶尖大学April 2020 intake Online study2020年4月开学 预科课程在线学习UP Education 奥克兰大学预科 奥克兰理工大学预科 惠灵顿大学预科UP大学预科2020年4月开学在线学习UP Education unique advantages A very technologically advanced institution already We use interactive methods Apple ...
Faster Residency: The Green List provides a streamlined pathway to residency, allowing you to secure permanent status more quickly compared to other immigration options. Enhanced Job Opportunities: Being on the Green List can make you more attractive to employers in New Zealand, as companies often ...
Likewise, Nagurney proffered, “This partnership offers hope and a pathway for building a brighter future for Ukraine and Ukrainians through scholarship and education.” In the UK,Cormack Consultancy Grouphas aidedUK institutionsto partner with colleagues in Ukraine. ...