仅是免签的国家/地区就有186个,稳居世界前列! 今年最新的亨氏护照指数(Henley Passport Index)榜单于近日发布,新西兰的排名与去年没有变化,依然排名第七! 图源Henley and Partners 世界最强护照榜单出炉 新西兰位列第七! 亨氏护照指数是Henley and Partners公司根据国际航空运输管理局(IATA)提供的数据,分析和研究全球国...
(如北京) Citizenship 国籍 Country of birth [eg China] 出生国家(如中国) Chinese Commercial Code and/or Chinese National ID Number 姓名的标准电码和/或中国公民身份证号码 Passport number 护照号码 Date of issue D D M M Y Y Y Y Date of expiry D D M M Y Y Y Y 签发日期 到期日期 ...
Children born overseas to one parent who is a kiwi by birth should allow the children to register for NZ citizenship followed by an application for a NZ passport. At the time of going to print most visa applications are not being processed for anyone offshore. Take professional advice for so...
Anevidentiarycertificateissuedundersection21oftheCitizenshipAct1977confirmingthatyouareaNewZealandcitizen. Youcanrequestforanelectronicendorsement(nolabel)oralabeltobeendorsedinthepassport. Eachfamilymemberneedstocompleteanapplicationformandpaytheapplicationfee. Whenyourenewyourforeignpassport,youwillneed...
•D: The signature page of the applicant's passport for entering and leaving China fromApril 30, 2020(inclusive) to the time of application. (8)截至2024年9月1日(含)未满18周岁的申请人,提供在华监护人保证书(需我校...
Use The Same Passport: Never travel to New Zealand with a different passport to the one you used for the application. You are supposed to use the same passport for registration and travel. If your current passport will expire soon, apply for a new one before submitting your ETA application....
and then register the FSP once the business can justify it. The best way to do this now would be to obtain an inexpensive offshore licence such as the Vanuatu SDL licence and then "passport" it to New Zealand by forming a NZ Limited Partnership and then having the two partners as the ...
雅思或托福等英文成绩,或你在新西兰念高中的NCEA成绩。document translation:无所谓公正,看你,但要附上原件。Relevant pages of the passport/travel document:都是原件。不交护照如何在上面加盖签证?机票可以无数次的打印,每次都是原件,你没有电子票?没有可以去要的,发到你的邮箱里就是。
4. Fill out the visa application form and bring it to your local visa office Once you’ve completed the online form, print it out and provide a physical signature where indicated. Prepare hard copies of your other required documents and passport photo. Applications ...
As a World Class New Zealander you share in our belief that global experience and relationships truly matter and that when we pass these onto other Kiwi, it adds significant value to them, and to New Zealand as a nation. Mission statement ...