nz native plants 红色拉塔花(Rata)与新西兰圣诞树(Pohutukawa)同属桃金娘科,是新西兰最著名的本土树种,在新西兰的夏季红花开遍整株树,十分耀眼。叶交互对生,顶端有凹陷,花由红色花蕊形成球状。北岛Rata从半附生植物开始生长,附生在寄主树木上,随后经过几个世纪,根向下长进土里,最后吞闭主树,形成一个有自己独立根系...
kowhai, pohutukawa, and a host of other native species, offering insight into the country’s botanical heritage. With a focus on conservation and education, this area highlights the importance of native plants in supporting local biodiversity and...
This LucidMobile key is part of a series of free interactive keys for identifying New Zealand native and naturalised plants. Online versions are hosted by Landcare Research ( This app is powered by Lucid Mobile. more What...
The final section ‘Rongoa – Maori traditional medicine’ showcases Belinda’s love of native plants and her horticultural background without reference to indigenous magic and mystery. There is no mention of Tane, Papatuanuku or any of the gods of Aotearoa who are evoked by rongoa practitioner...
15. Kiwi Birdlife Park Home to a huge collection of pretty birds, plants and animals that are native to New Zealand, the fantastic Kiwi Birdlife Park can be found right in the center of town. An oasis of peace and serenity, its gorgeous grounds and gardens are a treat to explore with ...
Zimmerman, NaupakaHughes, R. FlintCordell, SusanHart, PatrickChang, Heather KaleiPerez, DavidLike, Ryan KaipoalohaakalaOstertag, Rebecca
plants to match the trampolines around the flats on either side Jack Ross Bliss If I were to describe this moment I may write bliss If bliss meant quiet, companionship you in the garden, me hanging washing the fresh scent of rain on the air ...
World Class New Zealand Value We are a collective of successful global Kiwi. Our work and influence on the world stage, along with our strong desire to connect and support others, enables more Kiwi to think and operate globally, for the benefit of all New Zealand. ...
Other young boffins rose to the challenge, shedding light on the possible medicinal properties of New Zealand native plants, the effectiveness of different acne-prevention products, the extent of lead pollution in Timaru, the sensory faculties of seagulls, the effect of differing CO, levels on ...
Ironically, their rapidly increasing numbers pose a threat to the fragile native plants of the area. In the developing ecological tussle the horses are again in the firing line. Read more Weather Canterbury's damaging nor'wester The northwest wind in Canterbury drives people crazy. Suicide ...